Sean Brennan

Megan Davis, XXXX, XXXX, Sally Scales & XXXX at the 2017 ______

Sean Brennan is an Associate Professor at the UNSW Faculty of Law and Justice and member of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law. He has worked with a variety of Aboriginal organisations since 1994 and his teaching, writing and external engagement focus on constitutional law, native title and land rights. He was part of the pro bono legal team supporting the Regional Dialogues and First Nations Constitutional Convention that culminated in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Sean is a co-author of Blackshield and Williams Australian Constitutional Law and Theory (Federation Press, 7th ed 2018) and co-editor of Native Title From Mabo to Akiba: A Vehicle for Change and Empowerment? (Federation Press, 2015). 

Posts by Sean

06.07.21 The Wording is Not the Problem

18.10.21 Reforming the rules for free and fair referendum

26.05.22 Australian Voters Confirm: History is Calling

09.09.22 Indigenous Law Centre released Issues Papers to guide way to the referendum

18.03.25 Australia’s Constitutional Guarantee for Property Rights Applies to Native Title