Representation and Good Governance: Institutional Transformation via Voice to Parliament
Kate Galloway and Dani Larkin
The Uluru Statement from the Heart recommends a First Nations Voice to Parliament, Treaty with First Nations, and Truth-telling as essential components for establishing proper legal relations between the Australian State and First Nations peoples. A First Nations Voice provides the first step to appropriate engagement, through institutional reform. Constitutional provision for a Voice to Parliament has …

Constitutional conversation, institutional listening and the First Nations Voice
Gabrielle Appleby & Eddie Synot
The Australian government is currently undertaking a process of what it calls “co-designing” an Indigenous Voice that is intended to speak to the Australian government and Parliament when policies and laws are being developed that have a significant impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. There is much focus in the Interim Report on the detail of the Voice …

The relationship between Parliament and the Voice and the importance of enshrinement
Geoffrey Lindell
In 2017 the Uluru Statement from the Heart called “for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution”. It stated that in 1967 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders “were counted.” In 2017 they sought “to be heard.”
As was observed by Sir Robert Menzies, Australia’s longest serving Prime Minister, in Central Power in the Australian Commonwealth (1967, at 152, 28) …