Representation and Good Governance: Institutional Transformation via Voice to Parliament
Kate Galloway and Dani Larkin
The Uluru Statement from the Heart recommends a First Nations Voice to Parliament, Treaty with First Nations, and Truth-telling as essential components for establishing proper legal relations between the Australian State and First Nations peoples. A First Nations Voice provides the first step to appropriate engagement, through institutional reform. Constitutional provision for a Voice to Parliament has …

“It’s you young ones’ fight now”
Bridget Cama
I have witnessed many people, from diverse walks of life, black and white, stand in front of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and gaze at it in silence after reading it for the first time.
1…2…3… the seconds tick on.
At most they will whisper, “wow” …

Membership Models for an Indigenous Voice: What does representation mean for First Nations?
Dani Larkin
The Elders, Traditional Owners and community voices at the Regional Dialogues and the First Nations Constitutional Convention that adopted the Uluru Statement from the Heart in 2017 were clear on two things. First, that the First Nations Voice would be constitutionally created and protected (constitutional enshrinement), that would guarantee is existence and establish its power …